Our Favorite Products


Occasionaly someone wants to deep dive into the products being used on their solar project.  Here are some links to explore if you are interested.

To convert the DC energy coming from the panels to match the AC power in your home, we use Enphase microinverters.

System Solar Only Configuration - https://enphase.com/installers/systems/solar-only/iq8

Microinverter (IQ8plus): - https://enphase.com/installers/microinverters and https://enphase.com/download/iq8-iq8-microinverter-data-sheet

The Enphase Combiner Panel (would go near your main panel, preferably inside your garage) - https://enphase.com/download/iq-combiner-44c-data-sheet. This houses the system that reports back data to the Enlighten app and configures all the microinverters.

The Enphase Enlighten app for your phone/computer provides  realtime and historical data for the life of the system - https://enphase.com/homeowners/enphase-app. If you download it now, you can monitor public sites to see how it works.

When you consider Battery or Sunlight backup, more components are involved, like the System Controller:



When considering Solar panels, we use Tier 1 for the longevity and qualtiy, and all-black panels for aesthetic. Degradation, efficiency, performance under low light, and cost are all important factors.



When using a battery solution, there is a new player we want our customers to consider FranklinWH as an alternative to the Enphase battery solution.

FranklinWH: https://www.franklinwh.com/

Enphase: https://enphase.com/homeowners/home-solar-batteries

This video is a reasonable comparison of Enphase IQ and Tesla Batteries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LxM5bdhd40.


Utility Data Sharing - makes for a good proposal.